
My name is Josh and I am a student at the Robert J. Lister Academy. My mission in this class is to go to Monteverde, Costa Rica to study the native plant and wildlife. The reason I want to study those subjects is because I have always been interested in foreign countries and nature. I also want to study the geographical terrain for my future plans of joining the military when I am of age. We need to raise about $1,800 per person to be able to go. We have done alot of hard work already. This is not a vacation - this is a learning opportunity of a lifetime. We have a class we are taking and we will be studying topics like the economy, ecology, world affairs, etc. Another reason I want to go is because I have never left the country. This will change my life to be exposed to a new culture besides here in America. The reason it will be a life changing experience is because most people do not get the chance to leave the country, and I could be one of them. I also want to see what it is like in a country without a military, unlike America. In a place like America, everywhere you look there is some type of military image. I want to see how the people of Costa Rica live without a military. In Costa Rica, I will study hard, and make the best of the time spent there.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pura Vida

Hello from Costa Rica.
I am still having trouble believing that we are actually here. Two days ago we got to go horse back riding then hike to a water fall. When we were done swimming in the water we hiked back to the horses and rode back. For being near the equator it's is pretty chilly at night but hot during the day. Yesterday we saw a tarantula and a pair (partners) of Quetzals. I will try to have another post in a couple of days. Pura Vida


  1. Hey Josh, pura vida! i love hearing about your trip! i love Costa Rica and it's so fun to live it again vicariously through you guys! enjoy enjoy enjoy! i love the Howler monkeys and the gallo pinto and so much more.

    i'm away for the next 30 days but hope i'll have the opportunity to hear about the trip when i get back!!!

    hasta la vista!
    Karina (the zero waste person)

  2. Hi Josh -
    You saw so many fabulous sights and animals. I like the geographical reference you make regarding location and temperature. I was surprised that I got so chilly in Cambodia during early morning outings. It's at about the same latitude as Costa Rica - but then again, it *was* January! Also, I realized that in tropical regions, where the days and nights are close to being equal in length (thus "equa-tor"), the earth has more time to cool down before the sun returns to heat things up again.
    How marvelous to experience life in a completely different part of the globe.

  3. Hi Josh,
    you selected some great reasons to go and I especially like that other countries interest you. Before long your eyes will be opened more and more to how humans of every culture around the world have either added to or taken from nature. As a retired military person having seen many countries, it still continues to amaze me at how we humans are eager to wipe out our own race. From your blogs you are beginning to realize how other parts of the world feel, look, and taste like. Riding a horse instead of a car, going in back of a waterfall with spray in your face...things you'll never duplicate anywhere else. I am proud of you Josh! you are growing into quite a mature young man!
    CSM Steve
